<MO_CR_NOPHS = #otherSpeaks,Phasers not online. Try the torpedos.,#fireQuantumTorpedo,-,>
<MO_CR_NOQTP = #firePhotonTorpedo,-,>
<MO_CR_NOPTP = #otherSpeaks,Photon torpedos off line!,#enemyFire,-,>
// "FightEnemy" results in...
//target is deemed Invincible.... what will you do, or have them do?
<MO_CR_INV = MSG58,#HQCmd4,-,>
//targetDestroyed-->we then simply "zapEnemy" thus conflict ends
<MO_CR_TD = #targetDestroyed,MSG53, #HQCmd1,-,>
//targetDisabled-->we then simply "clrEnemy" thus conflict ends
<MO_CR_TDA = #targetDisabled,MSG54, #HQCmd1,-,>
//targetImpacted-->we then get enemyFire
<MO_CR_TIP = #targetImpacted,MSG55,>
//targetTouched or 'dented'-->we then get enemyFire
<MO_CR_TDNT = #targetTouched,MSG56,>
//targetUnaffected-->we then get enemyFire
<MO_CR_TUNE = #targetUnaffected,MSG57,>
// Conflict Res messages, for example
<MSG50 = Jem'Hadar Commander: Funny to find you Federation types in this neighborhood.>
<MSG60 = Captain: Jem'Hadar vessel, we are on a peaceful scientfic mission.>
<MSG61 = Jem'Hadar Commander: You wont find anything of value on this miserable planet. I suggest you leave.>
<MSG62 = Captain: That's just what we were about to do.>
<MSG51 = Jem'Hadar Commander: Your presence here is undesireable. Leave or be fired upon.>
<MSG52 = Jem'Hadar Commander: You have violated sovereign Dominion territory. We claim all rights to the resources in this region. You have been firing your weapons; we must defend ourselves.>
<MSG53 = <SWAP=Dominion;boom@HEAR=success>The hostile Jem'Hadar vessel is destroyed. Send our regrets to the central command on Yadera Prime.>
<MSG54 = Jem'Hadar vessel disabled. They are no longer a threat.>
<MSG55 = Target damaged but they're still attacking.>
<MSG56 = Slight damage to the Jem'Hadar vessel.>
<MSG57 = Our weapons are having no effect.>
<MSG58 = The enemy appears to have vastly superior weapons. If this keeps up we'll soon be defenseless.>
<MSG59 = <HEAR=action>Battle stations! Shields to maximum.>
<MSG63 = <CANC=Dominion>>
<MO_HQ_EV0 = 6,>
//you may be leaving icons on the screen
<MO_HQ_EV1 =We encountered a hostile Jem'Hadar vessel but they are no longer a threat. Should we remain in this area?,
#closeMission,-, Return to starbase., #simOver, MSG63, Remain there pending next mission., #HQCmd1,>
<MO_HQ_EV2 =We've done all we can here. What's our next assignment?,
#otherSpeaks,-, Return to starbase., #simOver,-, Remain there pending next mission., #HQCmd2,>
<MO_HQ_EV3 =Vessel suffered an unrepairable failure. Mission cannot proceed. Make sure appropriate systems and crew are present and that crew complement is adequate.,
<MO_HQ_EV4 = We are under attack by a Jem'Hadar warship.,
#closeMission,-,Withdraw., #battle, -, Continue to fight., #HQCmd4,>
<MO_HQ_EV5 =We've done all we can here. What's our next assignment?,
#closeMission,-, Return to starbase., #simOver,-, Remain there pending next mission., #HQCmd5,>
<MO_HQ_EV6 = ALERT: Warp engines not responding. Possible subsystem inadequacies or damage. Refer to System Performance Analysis in the outcome report for symptoms.,
#otherSpeaks,-,Ignore and carry on., #simOver ,-,Stop mission., #HQCmd6,>
<LEVTMAP = #blackHole,30,50,Black hole in area, #asteroid,80,100,Asteroid field,>
<TEVTMAP = #wearNTear,9999,-, #fireDrill,9999,-,>
<MO_PRB_DATA = 330,250,340,260,#something,Probe impacted on surface. Algae released.;>